5041 Lakeshore Dr W, Fleming Island, FL 32003


Defending the Faith – Jude v. 3

Holy Eucharist: Celebrated Sundays 10:30 a.m., Wednesdays 10:30 a.m.,

Holy Days (See Calendar)

5041 Lakeshore Drive West, Fleming Island, FL, 32003

On behalf of our parish, we warmly welcome you. Whatever your circumstances or situation, we would love to have you join us in worship!

Our church is a traditional Anglican parish, meaning we embrace fully the Scriptures and the Great Tradition of the Church throughout the ages. We seek to point each person to Christ and to the unchanging, ageless wisdom and beauty of the Church, especially as it is found in its Anglican expression. We gather to sing and participate in the liturgy we find in the Book of Common Prayer, full of Scripture and recounting what Jesus Christ has done for sinners, while participating in the most holy Sacraments of the faith.

We live in an age that has distanced itself, even in the church landscape, from the deep traditions, reverence, thought, and practices from the Church’s historic witness. In a world that seems increasingly shallow and secular both in and out of the church, it is easy to feel detached from anything that has come before. Patterns of remembrance, the embrace of devotion, and traditions that point us to the work of Christ are often left untried or unwanted. We are called back to an appreciation of truth, goodness, and beauty as found above all in the person and saving work of Jesus Christ. At St. Michael and All Angels, we seek to be faithful to what we find in Scripture and practiced throughout the centuries in the Christ’s Church.

This might sound like a lot to process, and sometimes it can mean learning new ways of responding during the service, but just know you aren’t alone. Our parish would love to welcome you, encourage you, and help you take those next steps in the “faith delivered once for all to the saints”.

New to Anglicanism? Click here to learn more!

St. Michael’s and All Angels Anglican Catholic Church is part of the Anglican Catholic Church and the G-3 Joint Synods