5041 Lakeshore Dr W, Fleming Island, FL 32003



Holy Eucharist: Celebrated Sundays 10:30 a.m., Wednesdays 10:30 a.m.,

Holy Days (See Calendar)

Frequently Asked Questions

Coming to any new church can be intimidating, we get that. It can be especially challenging when looking for a church that emphasizes liturgy and tradition while rejoicing in the truth of God’s Word. Below are some Frequently Asked Questions that might help. If you don’t see your question here, please Contact Us–we’d love to hear from you!

What Can I Expect During My Visit?

Our Sunday service (aka Holy Eucharist or Mass) begins at 10:30 am ET, and is about an hour long. If you arrive early, you may see people in prayer, preparing their hearts before the service. At 10:30, the church bell rings, and we begin our service. This consists of singing hymns, praying together, hearing from the Bible, singing some more, hearing a sermon, Holy Communion, and then singing and a final prayer before we dismiss. Our service is filled with the teaching and words of Scripture, and many prayers and hymns that have blessed the many long centuries of the church. We sing and pray together, knowing the Lord has promised to be with His people in a special way in this place.

You will likely notice people kneeling, making the sign of the Cross, or bowing at certain parts of the service. We can tell you that if you have not done these things before: a) they are ways to show reverence and to remember our Baptism and new identity in Christ, and b) it is absolutely OK if you are not familiar with these–most of us have been in your shoes, and probably have some funny stories about it. You are a welcome guest here!

After service, we usually have a coffee hour and occasionally a luncheon on special occasions like feast days. These take place in the Parish Hall right next to the church building.

OK, But This Is New To Me, So I Am Nervous

We promise it is OK! Most of us had to learn, and completely understand–we are just glad to have you with us. If you need to just watch your first or second week, we promise, it is fine. Traditional worship means learning new ways of interacting and responding compared to some modern or non-liturgical churches. There are times to kneel, to stand, and to bow. Don’t be discouraged! You’ll notice that most of these are in the Prayer Book or pew guide, or you can copy your neighbor. These acts are physical reminders and instructors in the faith, and help us recall what we are doing and Who we are meeting in worship.

What Do You Believe?

As Anglican Catholics, we hold to the great undivided witness of the Church through the ages. (The term “catholic”, although sometimes used differently, signifies “universal” or “general” in holding to what the Church has taught from its earliest days). We hold that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, and we look to what the Church has taught from that Word in the Great Tradition of the faith. We confess the Nicene and Apostles Creeds in Holy Communion and in Daily Prayer. We hold to the seven Ecumenical Creeds of the Church. We pray, confess, and worship according to the 1928 Book of Common Prayer, which is full of our Bible readings and prayers that are a beautiful expression of Christian belief (it is also a wonderful resource for home and family prayers, instruction, and Bible readings).

We hold to reverent, ordered worship anchored in what God has done and is doing, and in understanding Christ is with us in a very special way in these times. We believe Christ is truly present in Holy Communion; we know this is a great mystery beyond our understanding, but also believe what Jesus promised.

We hold to the Affirmation of St. Louis in teaching right order in the church, and in rejecting downgrade and any departures from the orthodox Christian faith.

Of course, the gospel (or good news of Jesus) is core. 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 says, “For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures”. John 3:16 tells us “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life”.

This means that no matter how lost or dead in sin someone is, what their background is, or what they have done, if they repent and believe in Christ for salvation, they will know new, abundant, everlasting life with Him (Romans 5). We also know this means that Jesus has a way He would have all of us live, in how we love God and love our neighbors.

What About Children?

The Bible gives us a beautiful picture in Titus 2 of different generations learning and living together. That is the type of church that with Christ’s help we are seeking to grow! We gladly welcome both singles and families. Our worship is family-integrated, meaning families worship together. We understand that children wiggle and fuss sometimes (it’s fine, we promise! If it is a rough Sunday, we have plenty of people who would love to help out, as well–that’s part of being a church family!). We also understand that it is so important for them to learn what goes into worship, and to learn from parents, grandparents, and other examples in the faith of worship. Our parish does also provide catechesis (instruction) for those looking for confirmation and to learn more about the Christian faith–please contact us or speak to our clergy following the service.

May I Receive Holy Communion?

Visitors confirmed by a Bishop (or those ready and desirous to be confirmed) are welcome to receive Holy Communion. Those not confirmed may choose come to the rail and receive a blessing. We know from God’s Word how important Holy Communion is, and it is natural to have questions about this–if you aren’t sure of something or are uncertain concerning anything, please speak to our clergy.

You may receive the host on your tongue or hand. If on the hand, put your right hand over your left and the priest will place the host on it. You may receive from the chalice or by intinction (dipping). If by intinction, leave the host on your right hand and allow the priest to take it from your hand to dip it into the chalice.

What Church Are You Part Of?

We are a Continuing Anglican parish; that means we are part of the part of the One Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church that is the English expression of that faith. We have retained the “good deposit” handed down through our bishops, and have retained the liturgies, practices, and holy traditions of the churches looking back to Scripture. We are part of the Anglican Catholic Church, which is part of a group of Continuing Anglican churches in fellowship that have continued on in the historic and traditional expression of the Christian faith. For more on what we hold to, visit this link, or ask our clergy.

What If I Am Coming From Another Church Background?

You will find yourself surrounded by people from just about every faith background you can think of–we have former Roman Catholics, Baptists, Presbyterians, Lutherans, and many others. We really do have people from many walks of life who have found unity in the “faith delivered once for all to the saints” (Jude 3) and “form of sound words” handed down (2 Timothy 1). There is likely someone who has taken a journey similar to the one you find yourself on now–and even if there isn’t exactly, we’d love to encourage you, pray for you, and learn alongside you. Whether you’re coming from a specific denomination or no denomination at all, we would love the opportunity to have you visit and experience traditional, liturgical worship in the Great Tradition of the Christian Faith.

Where Do I Fit In?

We seek to be a church that loves God and loves others well. No two people who walk through the door have the same experiences, challenges, history, or talents, but we all need salvation in Christ Jesus.

We know you may not have had experience in a more traditional or liturgical church, and that’s OK–this is a safe place to ask questions, participate, and learn. It’s a very different church landscape in the present era; many of our people have had a faith journey from different churches or–or no church at all.

We know that we have people from all walks of life who have different gifts and talents. Wherever we are from, we want to worship together, love one another well, love our neighbors and our community well, and grow in our outreach and ministry to others for the Lord. We come together to explore and learn of the historic and ancient Christian faith, but also to live those precepts out where we live, work, and serve.