5041 Lakeshore Dr W, Fleming Island, FL 32003



Holy Eucharist: Celebrated Sundays 10:30 a.m., Wednesdays 10:30 a.m.,

Holy Days (See Calendar)


Saint Michael and All Angels Anglican Catholic Church is a dedicated to the traditional and orthodox Christian Faith “which was once delivered unto the saints” (Jude 3). We worship in the Anglican tradition, in reverence, beauty, joy, and truth for what Christ has done to save sinners.

In short, we believe what St. Vincent of Lerins described as what for Christians “has been believed everywhere, always, and by all”.

Our liturgy (the form of our worship) comes from the Book of Common Prayer (or BCP), and is a wonderful expression of the historic, biblical Christian faith. We would love for you to come visit–whether you have visited this type of church or parish before, you will find a warm welcome!

We all know how nerve-wracking or intimidating it can be to visit a new church (especially for us introverts)! For more about the life of the church, what we believe, and what to expect when you are our guests, be sure to visit our Frequently Asked Questions page, or learn more about our Tradition, Faith, and Practice.


Archbishop Mark Haverland

Archbishop Ordinary of the Diocese of the South and Rector

Father Paul Beutell II


Father Robert Adams

Assisting Priest

Fr. Laurence Wells

Rector Emeritus/Founding Priest

Our Staff

Kathy Ball, Organist


Laurie McDonagh
Alan DiMiao-Leach
Todd Allerton
Kaye Cain
Mabel Quina
Zachary Houghton
Scott Lagdon